Seeking to be Christ-Centered, Relational, Missional, Fun Disciples of Jesus.
First Baptist Huntsville loves, disciples, and equips students to know Christ and to love and serve as Christ-followers in their world. Many times, students get the tagline of being the church of tomorrow. Here, First Students seeks to connect students (grades 7-12) to Jesus with a relationship enabling them to be active participants and leaders being the church of today.
First Students is a community of students for most schools across the greater Huntsville area. Amazing adults invest their faith into our students through the weekly gatherings and seasonal trips.

July 13-19
Grades 7-12 and Adults
July 13-19 to West Jefferson, North Carolina
Cost: $225 per person
Working with FBC West Jefferson in community clean up from Hurricane Helene and other community ministry.
Contact Jamie if you have questions.
Summer Mission Trip

Student Ministry at a Glance


launch FUN Nights

bible study and small groups

Student Bible Study at FBC
Bible study is a foundation for being Christ-centered and discipleship -- both of which are values for First Students at First Baptist Huntsville. Sunday Mornings: Our First Students gather for Bible study every Sunday at 9:15-10:15 AM in the Student Center. We first meet together with all grades 7-12 to hear what's going on and begin the study. Students then break into individual grade groups for small group study. In addition, D-Groups (Small Groups) are available for students who want to meet with 2-3 other students (same age and gender) along with an adult mentor. If interested, contact Jamie Mackey, our Minister to Students, at jamie@fbchsv.org.
Click Here for a sortable list of all of our Bible Studies for Students at FBC Huntsville.
12th Grade/Senior Bible Study
Sundays - 9:15 AM in SC1
9th Grade/Freshmen Bible Study
Sundays - 9:15 AM in SC6
11th Grade/Junior Bible Study
Sundays - 9:15 AM in SC9
8th Grade Bible Study
Sundays - 9:15 AM in SC5
10th Grade/Sophomore Bible Study
Sundays - 9:15 AM in SC8
7th Grade Bible Study
Sundays - 9:15 AM in SC4

Liftoff Student Worship
In the Student Center
5:30 PM - Meal
6:00-7:00 PM - Student Worship
Students gather for worship, community, and growth. Grades 7-12 meet together. Our Student Band leads in worship. Jamie, our Minister to Students, often leads the teaching.
Liftoff is a great opportunity to connect, be challenged and encouraged, and have a good time together.

Happening this week in
FBC Student ministry
Open links below by Right-clicking and opening in a New Tab.

Meet Jamie|
Minister to Students and families

Effective student ministry rooted in the church should help students to grasp and understand faith as both something they own for themselves and something to be shared with others. Jamie loves that his calling is to minister to and journey with students and their families through adolescence.