We are first kids.
First Kids guides children to know Jesus Christ as their Savior, love unconditionally, and serve as the hands and feet of Christ.
Kids & family Ministry at a Glance

Sunday Bible Study

Music & Missions

8:05 & 10:30 care for age 5 and under

Fun Stuff
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Happening this week in First kids ministry

New Children's Space
In 2019, our church decided to undergo a renovation of our Children's Ministry area - including our Heart of the City Kids. This project was completed in 2023. You can view photos of the finished space above, and read more about it here.
Other Ministries of Interest
Heart of the City Kids (weekday care)
Meet Shelley |
ASSociate Minister to Kids & Families
Shelley joined FBC in August of 2020. She has degrees in Christian Leadership and Christian Education, and has served as a children’s minister, second grade teacher, and weekday education program director. Shelley is originally from East Tennessee and when she isn’t chasing children around she loves to be exploring the outdoors with her pups.
Meet kristin|
Minister to
Kids & Families
Kristin joined our staff in January 2019 and brings years of experience and expertise to our Kids' Ministry. Kristin and her husband Raj came to us from Richmond, VA. They have three adult children and one grandchild.