The ministries of First Baptist Church are as diverse as the tiles that make up our mosaic on the front of our church. Below, you will find links to the most well known (but not all) ministries of FBC. If you don't see the ministry you're looking for, let us know - we'll help you find it or if necessary, start it!

Student (7th-12th Grade) Ministry
First Baptist Huntsville loves, disciples, and equips students to know Christ and to love and serve as Christ-followers in their world. "​First Students" is a community of students for most schools across the greater Huntsville area. Amazing adults invest their faith into our students through the weekly gatherings and seasonal trips.

Median Adult (age 40-59) Ministry
Median Adult Ministry seeks to develop the spiritual foundation and ministry involvement of Adults in their 40s and 50s. We have have bible studies, groups, mission and fellowship opportunities designed to build community and develop fully devoted followers of Jesus. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved and mature your faith.

Music & Worship Ministries
The Music Ministries of First Baptist Huntsville seek to glorify God in Christ, communicating the Gospel in vibrant and creative fashion. Music groups are provided for every age from preschoolers through "experienced adults" and exhibit a remarkable breadth in style as well as a deep commitment to excellence. Our music ministries involve hundreds of persons on a regular basis through worship leadership, rehearsals/preparations, educational activities, and mission endeavors.
Kids and Family Ministry
"First Kids" Children's Ministry at First Baptist guides children to know Jesus Christ as their Savior, love unconditionally, and serve as the hands and feet of Christ.

Young Adult (Ages 18-39) Ministry
We are a collection of 18- to 30-somethings, some single, some married, some with kids and some without, all trying to center everything we do around engaging with our "Core Four" - regular participation in worship, Bible Study, fellowship, and service. You were meant for this. You belong here. Find your place, and journey with us to be all God has for you to be.

Experienced Adult (60+) Ministry
Helping adults age 60+ find significance in their lives by Loving God, Serving Others, and Growing Disciples.

Missions Ministry
Mission is the continual action of transforming ourselves and others into the likeness of Christ. It is the being sent and the sending. It is the forming of both individuals and community, pairing belief alongside belonging. It is the in-breaking of the Kingdom into this space, and into us.