English Conversation Classes (ECC)
First Baptist has provided weekly classes in English for more than 50 years. Each week, 50-70 people are in the halls of FBC on Thursdays to learn English, or to take the Citizenship class. Classes are offered to anyone, no matter what language they speak. Volunteers are regularly enlisted and trained to help with this ministry.
English conversation classes meet during the school year on Thursday mornings from 9-11am. Classes are free, but we ask participants to pay $30 towards a book. Classes range from beginning to advanced, and a Citizenship class is also taught. Free childcare is available for babies through 5-year-olds. ECC follows the Huntsville City School calendar so if HCS are not meeting because of school breaks or bad weather, ECC will not meet. For more information, please contact the church through the information provided at the bottom of this page and leave your contact information.
Please feel free to join our Facebook group, English Conversation Classes FBC, for up-to-date information.